12. September 2012



As you probably noticed, I'm not travelling alone any longer. Mila joined me almost 6 weeks ago, a little in advance of the HU-meeting. She is also looking forward into a different lifestyle and liked my idea and this kind of travelling very much, that she decided to join me!! :-) So now my bike is really "packed" full...

After trying very hard to loose weight, by leaving clothes and other stuff, which seemed not to be so necessary, we left Athens a few days ago and started moving back north...

We passed Mount Olymbos, but he was covered into clouds, unfortunately... :-(

We stopped for coffe in a small town at the edge of the mountain and saw this guy carrying his calves...

... and I had some fun with this very fearless cat...

On our way across the plains, we found a lot of cotton fields...

 almost ready for harvest


Further down the road, I recognized a cotton picker and stopped by...

... had a small talk with Yorgos (Greek name for George)

Now, I'm alomost half a year on the road and am still gaining more passion for it day by day!!  But travelling with two people on my bike is physicaly way more exhausting, than I expected! And I feel that the load is still too much for my good bike. But in the other hand it has a lot of advantages, while not beeing alone!!! So we will go on like that for the next time... :-)

So we determined the route for the near future and decided next to hit towards...

...Turkey!!! :-)

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